Thursday, October 15, 2009


Tonight I went to my friend Gillian Laub's photo exhibit at the Annenberg , she spoke about her book Testimony . Gillian traveled to Israel over four years to photograph the innocent victims of terror both Palestine's and Israeli . The photos and journal entries are truly heartbreaking, however she spoke about how these victims who have lost limbs, some with 70 % burn damage, still managed to have a joy and be thankful for life. Gillian did such a beautiful job as the great photo journalist she is, she managed to capture the emotion of these victims but immersing herself in the culture , which is apparent in her photos. . All their stories had a similar theme, suicide bombers, settlers taking fire randomly, a life filled with fear that is common for all regardless of religion the Jews and the Arabs are all causalities of war. I'm always impressed when anyone devotes their time and passion to something, Gillian is the purest example of this..

Gillian works with many publications but here are two of my favorite stories she has done for the New York TImes . A Prom Divided , about segregated proms in Georgia, and Her Body, My Baby.

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