Thursday, November 12, 2009

TV goes to College

I'm not into my favorite TV shows when they go to college. I have nothing against college but unless you are Greek on ABC Family it's never really interesting. Gossip Girl is suffering from this now and in the past 90210 had some of its silliest story lines in college. But the worst cast to go to college was the cast of Saved By the Bell the College Years.. Mike the RA is one of the worst characters of all time..


RĂªves Doux said...

GOSSIP GIRL!!! I was wondering if I was the only one thinking this... (side note: Why does Blair look so BLAH this season...) & why is the real Gossip Girl not actually referenced anymore, did she disappear? The storylines? =/

Candice said...

Who do you think Gossip Girl is? I am dying to know!

Alice D. Millionaire said...

oh now. SBtB is legendary, even the movies. you're right about the RA, though. except Alex, the drama major was worse.

mbrodie75 said...

Agreed. But i also lost love for SBTB when they changed cast members. School is just such a better setting for drama! And isn't such a perfect world that all the main characters seem to end up at colleges all either a walk or nightly dinner catch up away (unfortunately even Dawson's suffered this fate).