Monday, October 12, 2009


Halloween is approaching and every year I have the same sinking feeling about it, it's my least favorite Holiday. 1st off my birthday is October 30, this means that for the past 27 years I have been asked if my birthday is going to be a costume party or Halloween theme. This normally sends me over the edge , because it's the one day where everything is meant to be about me but instead I'm forced to feel the need to adapt and wear silly costumes with adults acting just plain ridiculous. Now I totally admit that I am personalizing this because of the timing of my birthday, but I stand by the fact that costumes are not cute or funny over the age of 11.. This year I am confident enough to admit that YES I am celebrating my birthday and NO I am not sharing my birthday with Halloween nor am I dressing up.. This must be what Donna Martin felt like on 90210,she shared her birthday with Christmas..


vanessa joie said...

My 1/2 bday is Oct 30th. Yep, I'm celebrating it and no, not with a costume party.

Unknown said...

It's a good point - celebrate a half birthday instead or if random people get given lots of candy for nothing when it's not their birthday it shows that you should get given even more!!!!

Chris Childs said...

Oct 31st is not a holiday...Oct 30th is...cuz it's your birthday. You know what is worse then Halloween? Dressing up on days other than Oct31st....that's like showing up to a friday meeting on a Wed. "Oh, I just thought since it was only a day or two away, I'd just do what I'm supposed to do on that day, today." C'Mon Son!!


OMG, I am exactly the same.
My Birthday is on October 31st .. Halloween!
I thought i was selfish for the way i felt about hating Halloween & hating that everyone wants everything Halloween themed. For most of my Birthdays when i was child i wore a bin bag with a witches hat.
I too hate Halloween & im so glad someone else feels exactly the same way !!!
GO YOU for standing up for your self & celebrating your own B-day this year, i do hope mine is not Halloween centred, but since my Birthday actually lands on the DAY of Halloween there will be no avoiding it :(

Unknown said...

Right on with the Donna Martin thing. My birthday is 4 days before Christmas. That's way worse than your situation because I constantly get combined occasion gifts! Now that is annoying since it's not like I give my aunt her birthday gift in March and tell her to remember it in December!!